At Vascobelo, we offer our consumers extraordinary products that ensure meaningful consumption and positive environmental impact. As we want to leave the planet a better place for future generations, we have established 'Vascobelo Happy Future', a strategic initiative that contributes to a more sustainable world. While coming closer to that ideal, we hope to encourage others to join a sustainable coffee economy. Together, we strive for a happy future.

The very first step taken towards this sustainable ideal was the strategy of selling our compostable V-cups in linen bags rather than cardboard sleeves. The point of linen bags is indeed to encourage people to reuse the bags by going to any of our locations and ask for a refill.
Then, we are continuously improving our packagins. With pride, our V-cups became 100% compostable V-cups. The cups have a base of starch and plant-based glucose, and the top foil is created with plant-based extracts. After each use, they can be thrown away with your greems.
Regarding our ESE pods, our environmental concern guided us in the choice of paper as the medium for the pods in our coffee machines. Although their packaging is still not 100% recyclable YET, we are working hard to change it.
Overall, we strive to make our products as sustainable as possible. That is why we are continually working on making our coffee beans more sustainable. We source our Le Roi beans from five different countries, from certified Rainforest Alliance areas where this is possible.
We care about the planet and we want to treat it the best we can. We are working on a CO2 neutral approach with planting trees to leave the smallest possible economical footprint. Furthermore, all our disposable coffee cups are biodegradable, recyclable variants have replaced the lids and we use cardboard straws instead of plastic.
Furthermore, we implemented reusable and recyclable products into our lifestyle collection. For instance, we highly encourage people to buy a Happy Cup with which they will be able to carry around their favorite drink while having a good impact on the planet. And if they don't want to use their cup anymore, we can collect it and recycle it for them ! Same applies for the watter bottle !
We have created The Vascobelo foundation because we care about the people in the entire supply chain.
We select our partners based on sustainability such as our ISO certified coffee traders, our 100% CO2 neutral printing office and supplier of sustainable staff clothing.