E.S.E. pods - Decaf
100 pods
For our decaf pods, we have selected high-quality Guatemala SHB coffee. These premium 100% Arabica beans have a versatile aroma with sweet notes. The beans grow above 1200 meters which results in slower-growing trees. Consequently, the beans become harder, and their flavors are intensified. Only the very best beans receive the Strictly Hard Beans (SHB) quality label.
About 92% of all decaf coffee in Europe have been decaffeinated with unhealthy chemicals like dichloromethane. Vascobelo, however, uses decaf which is 100% chemicals free. We adopted a natural decaffeinating method which is based on carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is a very pure compound that occurs naturally. It can be used to extract caffeine from raw coffee beans under high pressure without extracting critical components that are of crucial importance for the coffee's aroma.
Our pods are made of special filter paper that reduces residues such as waxes, oils, impurities and traps waterborne bacteria. This result in a healthier coffee that is also environmentally friendly. Each pod is then packed individually to keep the aroma where it belongs: inside.
- Country of origin : Brazil, Guatemala, Ethiopia (Sidamo)
- Coffee farm: Various, all Rainforest Alliance certified
- Variety: Different varieties, all 100% Arabica
- Height of cultivation: 1600 meters
- Process: Wet preparation
- Roasting: Medium
- Acidity: Medium/high
- Coffee moment: Every moment of the day